Sunday, February 16, 2020

Discuss your most significnt cdemic or personl chievement Essay

Discuss your most significnt cdemic or personl chievement - Essay Example I succeeded to mintin multi-tsk ctivity nd m especilly proud to hve 4.00 grde point verge tht ultimtely llowed me to grdute s sluttorin. I hve lwys enjoyed school nd clsses nd tried to tke s much s it ws possible from every single lesson. I m n ctive student on clsses; I lwys tke n inititive when it comes to nswering techer's questions on regulr clsses or helping other students to keep up with some subjects. Besides cdemic excellence, I try to succeed in the theter production tht occupies the min prt of my extr-curriculr ctivities. I m currently plying led in "You're good mn Chrlie Brown". This role tkes lot of efforts, but I do like plying. My school, prt-time job nd service job leve little time to lern the scenrio tht is why I hve to be relly efficient if I wnt to succeed in the ply nd to mintin my led position. I m therefore continuously performing under strict dedlines nd cn be esily given to stress. However, I mnge my time nd ll tsks ccording to set priority nd time of delivery. In my thetricl performnce it is lso worth mentioning Sn Frncisco By re productions where I prticipted since the ge of three. I hve therefore completed over fifty productions. My chievements in theter lso include three rewrds for the best cting in dult legitimte theter. I hve been the Grnd Chmpion in vocls for the Stte of Cliforni during five yers: 2001, 2002, 2003 2004 nd 2006. Not only m I involved with cdemic nd extr curriculr ctivitie... In ddition to my employment I lso continue to volunteer for community service. I ssist in kindergrten clss every Wednesdy. I hve tied shoes; put on nme tgs, sng songs nd helped the children mke pple muffins. I help the techer with lessons, rt projects, supervising during "ply time," testing nd mny other spects of the creer I hope to hve one dy. It is the most rewrding experience t this pointing in my life. I love children. Wtching them grow nd lern is one of my gretest joys. I hve to sy tht from this wide rnge of experiences I hve gined brod bckground of life. I enjoy working with nd for people. I hve lerned from helping students to keep up with some subjects how to explin things in severl different wys nd not to give up until the student truly understnds the mteril. Multi-tsk ctivity helps me to lern to work under the strict dedlines nd to pprecite the time vlue. fter grdution I hope to become n (nme the position tht Morgn would like to hve). I m committed to this gol s is evident by my record of cdemic ccomplishments nd community service. I m convinced tht ll these fctors mke me good cndidte for the honors progrm.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

International business stratergy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International business stratergy - Essay Example The performance measurement is significant as it recognizes the existing performance gaps between contemporary and desired performances and provides an indication of progress towards closing the gaps. Carefully selected key performance indicators identify precisely where to take action to improve performance. This paper deals with the identification and application of the concepts of lean management and the key performance indicators for the maintenance functions. Initially the paper defines the complex framework of UK public sector and then describes the application of lean management and KPIs within the UK public sector. At the end, the paper deeply emphasizes on how the UK Public sector progressing well in terms of management strategies. The issue is elaborated critically that how public sector organizations are actively hitting the target but missing the core objectives. UK Public Sector It is very tough for a person not citizen of UK to easily comprehend the structure, operation s, and management systems of UK public sector. Probably the main reason is the complex restructurings, numerous administrative divisions, and a combination of district councils, county councils, and unitary authorities which make the whole managing structure quite complex. Both the county and district divisions have their particular area of jurisdiction. Public sector Area of responsibility County level Education, Social Services, Transport, Strategic Planning, Fire Services, Consumer Protection, Refuse Disposal, Smallholdings, Libraries District level Local planning, Housing, Local highways, Building regulations, Environmental health, Refuse collection Divided level Recreation, Cultural matters Lean Management Daniel, T. Jones was the first one who presented the concept of lean management in 1990s. Today his concept has been developed into a mini discipline which the public sector and industrial organizations are using in their area of operations. Principally the approach supports the mapping business procedures, recognizing the waste, delays and restricted accesses, re-designing the workflow to aim for perfection (Jones, 2003). The concept is described in the following diagram. Instead of simply accepting the uncritical pre-existing ideas, the lean management is basically an optimizing variation in terms of improving the efficiency, decreasing the waste, and the utilization of experimental procedures to decide what does matter. The goals of lean management systems differ from author to author e.g. some authors believe on an internal focus to increase the profit of the organization (Liker, 2004) while there is a lot which assert that progress must be done for the sake of the customer (Womack et al, 1990). UK public sector organizations apply different techniques of the principles of lean management to attain maximum output. Initially the concept of lean management was presented in terms of manufacturing industry. Toyota Production System (TPS) was the first c oncept of lean which was developed from 1940s to 1970s also known as Japanese Waste Model. The leading goals of TPS were to eliminate the seven wastes which included wastes in terms of transport, inventory, motion, waiting, over production, over processing, and defects (Womack and Jones, 2003). Ford (1922) describes the entire concept of waste in just one paragraph. â€Å"